拍賣 Auction
《生命恩泉》 Fountain of Love and Life慈善拍賣區,為福傳籌款。

最新結果 Latest Results
慈善拍賣 Charity Auction
是次《天地人和:譚傑志神父 · 書畫篆刻神修拾穗》展覽之作品由譚傑志神父創作,並會全部捐出用作慈善拍賣。拍賣收益將撥捐《生命恩泉》及羅馬宗座使徒之后大學,以作福傳及發展用途。
The paintings, calligraphy and seals have all been kindly donated by Fr. Joseph Tham L.C. All proceeds from the charity auction will go to Fountain of Love and Life and Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University in Rome.
可用的 Usable
收藏品 Collectibles
作為禮物 As a Gift

投標規則 Bidding Rules
- 藝術品慈善拍賣將於2024年7月20日中午12:00(東岸時間, 下同)開始,於2024年7月30日下午5:00結束。
- 所有價格以加幣結算。
- 有興趣者可以對一件或多件藝術品投標,或者多次競投同一件藝術品。藝術品的最終競投價將以於投標時間內收到的最高價格為準。
- 藝術品將按照最高出價及最早提交原則交予中標者。換言之,若兩位或以上的投標者為同一藝術品提交相同出價,則最早提交的投標者將為中標者。投標時間將以《生命恩泉》(FLL) 的投標系統時間為準。
- 為確保投標活動順利進行,《生命恩泉》有權刪除有合理懷疑的惡意競標,無需事先通知。
- 競投結果將於2024年8月1日公佈,中標者將獲電話通知。如果成功中標者未能於2024年8月3日或之前付款,藝術品將交予第二高競投者,以此類推。
- 付款方式:
- 付款方式: 網上信用卡 (只接受 Visa, 或 MasterCard) 或 銀行本票 (抬頭 : “Fountain of Love and Life”; 恕不接受私人支票)。
- 所有付款必須在2024年8月3日或之前完成。
- 如有查詢,請電郵: info@fll.cc
- The charity auction of art pieces will start at 12:00 pm on July 20, 2024 (Eastern Standard Time, same hereafter) and end at 5:00 pm on July 30, 2024.
- All prices shown and transactions are in Canadian dollars.
- Interested parties can bid for one or more art pieces, or place multiple bids on the same piece. The final bid price will be the highest price received within the bidding period.
- Art pieces will be awarded to the bidders with the highest price and earliest submission. In other words, if two or more bidders submit the same bid price for the same art piece, the bidder with the earliest submission will be the successful bidder. The timing is based on Fountain of Love and Life (FLL) ‘s bidding system time.
- To ensure the smooth running of bidding activities, FLL reserves the right to remove any reasonably suspected malicious bids at its own discretion without prior notice.
- The bidding results will be announced on August 1, 2024 and successful bidders will be notified by phone. If the successful bidder fails to pay on or before August 3, 2024, the art piece will be awarded to the second highest bidder, and so on.
- Payment Methods:
- Accepted payment method: online credit cards (Visa or MasterCard only) or Bank Draft (i.e. Cashier Cheque payable to: “Fountain of Love and Life”; personal cheque is not accepted.)
- All payments must be completed on or before August 3, 2024.
- For assistance, please email: info@fll.cc