






Living water fanning Fire of the Spirit

底價 Bid price: CAN$2000

作品名稱 Title: 活水煽靈火 Living water fanning Fire of the Spirit
作品年份 Year: 2022
尺寸 Dimension: 226×44 cm
神修拾穗 Reflections:
「水能煽火嗎?」從自然現象來說,這是不可能的… 但是,在逾越節守夜禮中,我們將復活蠟燭放進聖洗池再拿出來,帶有水中生火的強烈象徵意義,象徵著火可以從水中升起,也是復活的象徵:水代表死亡,火代表生命… 耶穌死而復活,正如火從水中而生,是令人驚嘆而不可思議的事情。這是我們在復活節期慶祝的「奇蹟」。這幅「活水煽靈火」的書法也代表了聖神(火)能激發受洗(水)信徒的生活。
“Can water fan the flames of fire?” Naturally speaking, impossible … but, at the Easter Vigil liturgy we see a strong symbolism of that happening when the Easter candle is immersed into the baptismal font and comes out of it. It is a rite representing a meaningful symbolism that fire can rise from the water. It is a symbol of resurrection—water representing death, fire representing life. Jesus died and rose again; incredible and amazing. This is the ‘miracle’ we celebrate during the Easter season. This calligraphy also represents the activities of the Holy Spirit (Fire) in the lives of the baptized (Water).