






All Things New

底價 Bid price: CAN$2200

作品名稱 Title: 萬象更新 All Things New
作品年份 Year: 2024
尺寸 Dimension: 390×20 cm

亞當子孫 – Descendants of Adam
We are the descendants of Adam, who was the source of original sin. Through Jesus Christ, the new Adam, we became inheritors of the newness of life and new men and women.

靈火動心 Spirit’s Fire Stirring the Heart
印章上的文字,有時可以從不同方向閱讀。 在這作品上的印章可讀作「靈火動心」、「靈火心動」或「靈動心火」均可,靈感來自耶穌的話:「風隨意向那裏吹,你聽到風的響聲,卻不知道風從那裏來,往那裏去:凡由聖神而生的就是這樣。」(若望福音3:8)
In seal carving, there can be different ways to read the words. In this case, it can be read as ‘Spirit’s fire, stir, heart’; ‘spirit’s fire heart stirred’ or ‘Spirit stirring the heart’s fire’. This seal is inspired by the words of Jesus. Since the Holy Spirit can blow in any direction, the seal represents all these possibilities and what they could mean for you. “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit” (John 3:8).

才行 Talent and virtue
In this little seal, both characters took the form of a cross. Indeed, through God-given talents and virtues, we can spiritually grow in Christian maturity through the Pascal mystery.

明上 The Enlighted Ruler
這兩個字原本是皇上的尊稱。 我借用它們來指耶穌,祂是照耀我們的世界之光。
This term refers initially to the Chinese emperor, but it can now refer to Jesus, Light of the world.

主愛的人在世享平安 On earth, Peace to People of Good Will
The ancient character “zai” looks like a cross. When we are willing to take up our cross and follow Christ, the cross becomes a seal that shows “Emmanuel” and God is with us. The presence of God is present. So this word actually has profound meaning to us. God is with us. God is Emmanuel. At Christmas and at Mass we proclaim that Jesus is with us and with us from the time of his advent to the day of his death.

磐石 Cornerstone
“The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” (Psalm 118: 22). Architecturally speaking, the cornerstone is the most important stone of a building. This foundation guarantees the stability of a building. This quote refers to the fact that we often forget and discard what is most essential. At times, as we pursue success, wealth, and different pleasures, we do not even realize the most essential things in life. We might learn later in a hard way, after some crisis or difficulties, when we ask ourselves deeper questions about meaning and purpose.

信望愛 – Faith Hope Love
We must discipline and deny ourselves to embark on the path of charity and perfection. Always keep your eyes on Jesus; your life will be filled with the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and love. Together with the gift of the Holy Spirit, we become new creations and can leisurely live out the inner freedom of the children of God.

主賜平安 The Lord grants peace.
「主」字像一滴血,「平」字像十字架。 在這個印章設計中,我試圖強調耶穌賜給我們的平安是透過祂的逾越和死亡而矛盾地獲得的。
The word Zhu appears like a drop of blood, and the word ping looks like the cross. In this seal design, I try to emphasize that the peace that Jesus grants us is obtained paradoxically through his passion and death.

物外之趣 Look Deeper Beyond the External to Find Joy
The closer we are to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the more we can discover the infinite truths and implications of things. “Look Deeper Beyond the External to Find Joy” engraved on this seal also reminds us that we should not just look at the physical appearance of everything but also explore the meaning behind it.

塘鵝 (肖形) Pelican
塘鵝(亦稱為鵜鶘)是一種象徵捨生犧牲的生物,常被用作聖體聖禮的象徵。古人認為塘鵝會以自己的血肉來餵養幼雛。雖然這種說法並無科學證明,但母親以自己的血肉之軀哺養子女的觀念與基督教信仰確有共通之處。因此,這種鳥成為上主對祂子女之愛的象徵, 特別代表聖體共融,為信徒提供靈糧。
The Pelican is a symbol of life-giving sacrifice often used to represent the Eucharist. In ancient times, people thought that the pelican bird fed the chicks with its own flesh. Even though this is not biologically verified today, the idea of a mother sacrificing her own body to nourish her offspring resonated with Christian piety. Thus, this bird became the symbol of God’s love for his children, especially representing the Eucharistic communion to provide nourishment for the believer.

魚(肖形) – Fish
這肖形印是天使魚。早期基督教在羅馬帝國被禁,基督徒以魚作為其暗號。這是因為希臘語中「魚」一詞 [ΙΧΘΥΣ(Ichthus)],可作為「上主的兒子救世主耶穌基督」(Ἰησοῦς Χρῑστός Θεοῦ Υἱός Σωτήρ)這句話的首字母縮略詞,也就是他們所信仰的概要。

In early Christianity, when Christianity was banned in the Roman empire, Christians used the fish as their cryptic symbol. This is because the Greek word for fish, ΙΧΘΥΣ (Ichthus ) could be the anagram for the words “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Saviour” (Ἰησοῦς Χρῑστός Θεοῦ Υἱός Σωτήρ), which is a summary of their belief.

地鹽世光 Salt of the earth, Light of the World
爾曹乃地上之鹽也、鹽失其味、更將何以調之?從此休矣、惟有棄之於外、而任人踐踏耳。爾曹乃世間之光也城建於山、不能隱也; 人未有燃燈而藏之於斗下者、必置之檠上、用燭全室。瑪竇福音5:13-14.
You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. Matt 5:13-14.

基督軍人章Legionary of Christ
軍印是最早期的實用印章之一。在戰役期間,將軍們必須迅速雕刻他們的印章以驗證命令。這些印章風格雖然不精緻,但有一種簡單的美感。 我嘗試模仿軍印的風格來宣示我作為基督軍人的忠誠。
Military seals were one of the earliest styles of seals for practical use. During the campaigns, the generals must carve their seals quickly to authenticate their orders. The styles are unpolished but are aesthetic in a simple way. I imitated the style of military seals to declare my allegiance as a solder of the Legion of Christ.

棲駐大秦十八年 – Eighteen years of Sojourn in Rome
大秦是古羅馬的名字。 這枚印章刻於2018年,當時我已在永恆之城擔任司鐸, 生活和駐留了逗留了18年。
Daqin is the name of ancient Rome. This seal was carved in 2018 when I have been living and stationed in the Eternal City for 18 years as a priest.

晉鐸十二載 – Twelfth Anniversary of Priestly Ordination
這印章是在被晉鐸為神父 12 年後於 2016 年刻的,旨在紀念我對教會與天主不配獲得這偉大聖事的感恩。
This seal was carved in 2016 after being ordained a priest for 12 years and want to commemorate my gratitude towards God the Church for the immense and unmerited grace of this sacrament.

不忘初心 Remain true to our original aspiration
我們往往很健忘。 信德是記憶,特別是記住天主愛我們的的奇妙作為。 在舊約裡,以色列人很健忘,開始抱怨天主。 健忘是罪的典型例子。
Remain true to our original aspiration, or not forgetting your first love. We tend to be very forgetful . Faith means remembrance, remembering especially the wonderful works of God’s love for us. In the Old Testament, the Israelites were forgetful and started complaining against God. Forgetfulness is the paradigm of sin.

且自逍遙沒人管 Free and Restrained by none
At the beginning of the spiritual journey, rules and discipline are necessary to help aspirants stay on the right path. However, as one develops spiritually, religious life can bring true inner freedom. This freedom does not refer to a libertine lifestyle but a state of peace with oneself, one’s work, with others and with God.

逍遙遊 Free and Unfettered Roaming
逍遙源自道家與宇宙合一的思想,以及心靈的自由之旅。 這「逍遙」猶像聖神內的自由, 就是基督密契神學的超脫與神遊的概念。
Being free and unfettered comes from the Daoist idea of union with the cosmos, and the ability to journey freely in the spirits. This is the concept of “ecstasy” of the mystics.

爾國臨格 Thy Kingdom Come

天地人和 Heaven Earth and Humanity in Harmony
The symbolism of this seal carving is taken from a traditional round shape design. The ancient Chinese words for ‘Heaven’ and ‘Man’ have the same root, which looks like a stick figure of a human being. The design emphasizes that from Heaven, God becomes man in his incarnation. The kneeling posture of man represents God’s kenosis, the self-emptying of Jesus. When you look carefully, the three round dots symbolize the mystery of unity in the Trinity. The partition of the seal is in the shape of a cross, reminding us that we are reconciled to God through the Paschal mystery. The circle is a symbol of unity and harmony. The circular seal is the size of the communion bread, the Eucharistic host, which is the spiritual food that sustains us in our journey towards this ideal of universal harmony.

亞孟 – Amen
“Amen” is an indispensable answer to Christian prayers. The word “Ya” refers to the venue for ancient religious gatherings (shaped like a tabernacle for the Eucharist), and “Meng” means a child bathing in a basin (the image of baptism).