






Guilin peak covered by clouds

底價 Bid price: CAN$1000

作品名稱 Title: 雲繞獨秀 Guilin peak covered by clouds
作品年份 Year: 2019
尺寸 Dimension: 48×27 cm
神修拾穗 Reflections:
2019年,我第三次來到桂林,相比起我20年前最後一次到訪,我看到了許多變化。很多東西都改變了! 這次,我可以乘船和火車欣賞到壯麗的景色。 與此同時,科技卻使欣賞大自然變得不再那麼直接。如今科技已經侵入我們生活的各個層面,對大自然的侵犯也是顯而易見的。雖然許多進步對人類有益,但某些創新卻存在著許多矛盾之處。科技能拯救我們還是毀滅我們?教宗本篤十六世在通諭《在希望中得救》(Spe Salvi)中告訴我們,我們不應將希望寄託在技術上,而應寄託在天主的應許上。只有天主才能拯救我們。
I visited Guilin for the third time in 2019, and I noticed many changes since my last sojourn there 20 years ago. Much has changed since then. This time, the boat and train rides offer a spectacular view of the sceneries. At the same time, technology makes the appreciation of nature less immediate. Technology has now invaded many aspects of our lives, and its infringement on nature is palpable. While many advances are good for humanity, there is much ambivalence to other innovations. Can technology save us or destroy us? Pope Benedict XVI tells us in the encyclical Spe Salvi that we should not base our hopes in technology, but in God’s promise. Only God saves.