Spreading Infinity
底價 Bid price: CAN$2200
作品年份 Year: 2024
尺寸 Dimension: 320×17 cm
天人合一 Union of Heaven and Humanity
儒家說心靈是宇宙的一部份,心中有仁愛的流露便是良知。 「天人合一」的境界就是仁愛。儒家「天人合一」的理想在基督身上尋到圓滿的展現。藉著耶穌,我們也能與天主合而為一
Confucianism says that the soul is part of the universe, and the expression of kindness in the heart is conscience. The state of “unity between man and nature” is benevolence. The Confucian ideal of “the unity of heaven and man” perfectly expresses itself in Christ. Through Jesus, we, too, can become one with God.
萬象更新 Everything is Made Anew Again
「萬象更新」表示萬事萬物都會時刻變化更新,寄望人世間一切污穢邪惡,都會奧妙地轉化,使世界得到更新。這也令我想起聖經有關洪水淹沒大地,更新一切的記載,以及默示錄所言:「我已更新了一切。」(默21: 5)。
The proverb ‘Everything is Made Anew Again’ in the seal above speaks about the possibility of renewal. Here is a desire that all the filth and evil of the present reality would be transformed mysteriously and the world made anew. This reminds me of the Biblical account of the flood which renews the earth and the saying in the book of Revelation, “I will make all things new.” (Rev. 21.5)
復歸於無極 Return to Infinity
印章是用最古老的漢字甲骨文而作的。 這句話出自老子,意思是回歸到無盡、無邊、無限的境界。 圓滿而沒有終點——極端的終點。 這印章的願望是大家也會重返天國。
The seal is written in oracle bone script, one of the most ancient Chinese characters. This saying from Laozi, written in the most ancient book of Chinese Philosophy, means a return to endlessness, without boundary or infinity—a fullness and without an end—the extreme end. A baptized interpretation would be a return to heaven, or the Kingdom of heaven, which is the desire of all of us.
永祐慶,長壽康 Blessings for Long Life and Good Health
申祐慶 Extend the blessed celebration
Different religions and philosophies express this concept with diverse terminologies. Daoism uses the term ‘endlessness’ to contrast it with the ‘ultimate end’. Laozi’s famous saying, ‘return to endlessness’ further insinuates this common destiny to return to a state of endlessness. Buddhism speaks of a world of extreme happiness; a world of ultimate joy where there is no suffering. Various Chinese blessings come from this idea. Eternal happiness and eternal blessing, longevity and lasting health are examples of auspicious
wishes. Here, endlessness is joined with longevity or eternal health.
永恆 Eternity
Unlike the Eastern thoughts of circular time where reincarnation takes place, Christianity conceives time not to be cyclical but linear and infinite, a reference to God without beginning and end. In everyone’s heart, there is the expectation for “eternity,” which is the expectation for the kingdom of heaven.
無始终 Without Beginning or End
The Christian idea of eternity embraces its Greco-Roman roots, where the words ‘soter’ and ‘salus’ refer to health and salvation. Although Heaven is identified as the place of eternal happiness in the popular imagination, Christian theological reflection now sees Heaven more as a state and a relation than a physical place. It is a state of endless happiness without beginning and end.
無極 Infinity
This concept of a never-ending, limitless ideal is something that we all aspire to. This is the deepest yearning of us—to become infinite, beyond time, embracing all reality, even beyond death.
萬福 Full of Grace
「卍」在印度教、佛教等乃神聖吉祥的標誌。漢字改音為「萬」,義為「吉祥萬德之所集」。其後納粹黨旗上之「卐」卻是右旋的。「萬福!充滿聖寵者」是天使對瑪利亞的問候,為天主教禱文。這書法選用「卍福」是有意的。如若納粹的卐代表徹底的邪惡,倒轉的卍代表恩寵戰勝罪惡。 早期教父認為瑪利亞正正逆轉夏娃犯原罪的角色。
The original “Swastika” is a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism. The Chinese character swastika means “ten thousand”, which means “a collection of auspicious virtues”. The “swastika” used on the Nazi Party flag is rotated to the right. Hail Full of Grace is the angel’s greeting to Mary and has become a Catholic prayer. The choice of calligraphy to use the swastika was intentional. If the Nazi swastika was meant to represent utter evil, the inversion of the word could represent the victory of grace over evil and sin. Early church fathers believed that Mary was reversing Eve’s role in original sin.
永樂 Endless Happiness
與佛教永恆的思想共鳴, 喜樂乃是與天主 — 我們的真正歸宿 — 建立關係的結果。「天主的國就在你們中間。」(路加17:21)
Resonating with the timeless Buddhist thought, joy results from a relationship with God, our true destination: “The Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21).
AΩ Alpha and Omega
基於中國著名藝術家八大山人的著名神秘簽名印章, 我將其重新解釋為希臘語中的“阿爾法”和“歐米伽”,即開始和結束。字母中隱藏著一個十字架。 基督教中也使用神秘符號,隱藏的信息現在被揭示出來。
Based on a famous cryptic signature seal of a famous Chinese artist 八大山人, I reinterpreted it to mean Alpha and Omega (In Greek, the Beginning and the End). With a cross there hidden in the letters. The use of cryptic symbols, also in Christianity, of the hidden messages now revealed.
天倫之樂 Familial Joy
我在聖家節製作了這枚天倫之樂的印章。天字形似人, 而我用不同的三角形來代表三位一體的天主。
I made this seal for the Feast of the Holy Family to celebrate the joy of family. The word heaven looks like a stick man. I used the different triangles to represent the Holy Trinity.
百鳥齊鳴 Hundred Birds Sing Harmoniously
A Hundred Birds Sing Harmoniously is reminiscent of song and symphonic music. Music can elevate us to a state of relaxation, inspiring us to appreciate the beauty of human endeavor and interaction with nature, thereby enhancing our spirituality. Our goal is to reach the point where heaven, earth, people, and all creation glorify the glory of God.