Lychee and Cicadas
底價 Bid price: CAN$1500
作品名稱 Title: 蟬鳴荔熟 Lychee and Cicadas
作品年份 Year: 2023
尺寸 Dimension: 43×110 cm
神修拾穗 Reflections:
This painting was completed this past summer. I’ve wanted to do the subject of lychee for a long time. The cicadas were added because, in Chinese painting, it is vital to capture a living moment. This is where Chinese painting is very similar to the Impressionist movement in the West.
作品年份 Year: 2023
尺寸 Dimension: 43×110 cm
神修拾穗 Reflections:
This painting was completed this past summer. I’ve wanted to do the subject of lychee for a long time. The cicadas were added because, in Chinese painting, it is vital to capture a living moment. This is where Chinese painting is very similar to the Impressionist movement in the West.