Three virtues
底價 Bid price: CAN$1500
作品名稱 Title: 一竹一蘭一石 Three virtues
作品年份 Year: 2022
尺寸 Dimension: 224×72 cm
題識 Calligraphy Inscription:
One bamboo, one orchid and one stone; it has joints, it has fragrance, and it has bones. A gentleman in a room full of people, the breeze blows in the four seasons. Words of Zheng Banqiao. Done by Kit Chee in the Spring of Renyi (2022), Rome.
作品年份 Year: 2022
尺寸 Dimension: 224×72 cm
題識 Calligraphy Inscription:
One bamboo, one orchid and one stone; it has joints, it has fragrance, and it has bones. A gentleman in a room full of people, the breeze blows in the four seasons. Words of Zheng Banqiao. Done by Kit Chee in the Spring of Renyi (2022), Rome.
神修拾穗 Reflections:
這幅畫的題識取自鄭板橋,他講述季節、氣候和環境的變化,都是人類曾經體驗的。他接著提問,這些變化如何影響君子的情緒狀態、平和心境與幸福? 關鍵是任何季節都可以是美好時光。然而,生活中有太多的困擾, 我們如何能夠獲得平安?這作品暗示人需要培養靈性品德,才能找到真正的平安。
The text of the calligraphy is taken
from the artist Zheng Banqiao, who speaks about changing seasons, weather and circumstances as part of the human experience, including the virtuous gentleman. He then asks how these changes affect our emotional state, peace and happiness. The key phrase is that any season can be a good time. However, the difficulties with all of us are that so many things bother and worry us. How can we attain peace? These works all point to the need for spirituality and virtues as the way to true peace.