Ontarian falls in the Fall

底價 Bid price: CAN$2000
作品年份 Year: 2021
尺寸 Dimension: 210×58 cm
題識 Calligraphy Inscription:
Green moss and old trees, the blue sky and the autumn river are distant. The mountain temple is tiny among the red-leaved woods. Who has visited there before? The plum blossom seeker who crosses the bridge. Done by Kit Chee in the Year of Xinchou (2021).
神修拾穗 Reflections:
這個場景是30年前的秋天,我在安大略省北部旅行時所見的,最近在香港隔離期間重新繪製。最近爆發的全球疫症正好表明,我們一旦破壞人與自然的平衡,可以對自己造成嚴重的傷害。在教宗方濟各最近發表的通諭《願祢受讚頌》(Laudato si’)中,他倡導生態改造,以抗衡即用即棄的文化。因此,我們也可以調節支配物質的欲望、減少依賴科技、多花時間與家人相聚、多歇息、藉著默想、藝術與欣賞自然之美來敬拜上主。
This scene is taken from a trip to northern Ontario thirty years ago during the fall and was recently redone during quarantine in Hong Kong. The recent pandemic outbreak shows the damage we can do to ourselves when we upset this balance of nature. In the recent encyclical Laudato Si’ by Pope Francis, he advises us to undergo an ecological conversion to fight against a throwaway culture. So, we can do this by moderating our appetite to dominate the use of technology, spend time with family; worship through contemplation and art and beauty.