Love and do what you will

底價 Bid price: CAN$1800
作品年份 Year: 2022
尺寸 Dimension: 216×62 cm
釋文 Text of Calligraphy:
“Do whatever you want without violating the principles.” St. Augustine said, “Love and do what you will.” (“Dilige et quod vis fac.”)
題識 Calligraphy Inscription:
This frequently misinterpreted quote from Church Father Augustine agrees with the Analects. This is not indulgence but wisdom of holiness. It is a stage where one can achieve true freedom and spiritual detachment. Written by Fr. Tham Kit Chee, inspired in the Autumn of Renyi (2022), Rome.
出處 Inspiration source:
「因此,給你們開出一個簡短的訓誡:愛,然後隨你所願行事:無論你保持沉默,帶著愛保持沉默;無論你哭泣,帶著愛哭泣;無論你購買,帶著愛購買;無論你寬恕,帶著愛寬恕:讓愛成為根基,只有從這根基中才能生出良善。」 St. Augustine of Hippo, In epistolam Ioannis ad Parthos, Tractatus VII, 8.
“The Master said: At fifteen, I want to learn. At thirty, I stand upright. At forty, I don’t get confused. At fifty, I know my destiny. At sixty, my ears are compliant. At seventy, I follow my heart’s desire and don’t exceed the rules.” Confucius, The Analects, On Politics.
“Once, therefore, a brief precept is prescribed for you: Love and do what you will: whether you keep silent, keep silent with love; whether you cry, cry with love; whether you buy, you buy with love; whether you spare, you spare with love: let the root be within love, only good can exist from that root.” St. Augustine of Hippo, In epistolam Ioannis ad Parthos, Tractatus VII, 8.