Hong Kong doggerel in Cursive script

底價 Bid price: CAN$1500
作品年份 Year: 2023
尺寸 Dimension: 220×59.9 cm
釋文 Text of Calligraphy:
At the beginning of man, rubbing dead skin, mud catfish, fish oil, Yau Ma Tei, Mediterranean Sea, Sea Dragon King, Wong Tai Sin, cactus, reward you with two slaps!
題識 Calligraphy Inscription:
Hong Kong popular three-character classic doggerel. Written by Kit Chee in 2020.
神修拾穗 Reflections:
這段文字來自當年香港流行的一首幽默韻文。 除了第一句「人之初」之外,與原來的三字經沒有任何關係。 押韻基於每個短語的最後一個字和下個短語的第一個字在粵語是同音。 例如「初」字和「搓」字同音。 韻文還包括一些地名,例如油麻地和黃大仙,這些都是香港的地區。 最後一句「獎你兩巴掌」是一個有趣的結尾方式。 把這書法放在展覽中似乎不太合適。 但我想表明天主教不僅是嚴肅的,而且也有其樂趣的一面。聖女大德蘭曾說過:「一個不開心的聖人確實是一個可憐(聖)人。」 事實上,一個似乎是神聖但却缺乏幽默感的人,可能是虛偽的。
This text is actually a humorous rhyme that was popular in Hong Kong in the past. It has no relation to the original Three Character Classic except for the first phrase “at the beginning of man”. The rhyme is based on the homophones of the last and first characters of each phrase. For example, beginning (初) and rubbing (搓) have the same pronunciation in Cantonese. The rhyme also includes some place names such as Yau Ma Tei and Wong Tai Sin, which are districts in Hong Kong. The last phrase “reward you two slaps” (獎你兩巴掌) is a playful way of ending the rhyme. It may seem out of place to have this in an exhibition. But I wanted to show that the Catholic religion is not just all serious, but has its joyful and fun side, too. St. Teresa of Avila once said, “A saint who is sad is a sad saint indeed.” In fact, a person who claims to be holy but is humorless can be a sign of inauthenticity.