






Flying Jade Scales

底價 Bid price: CAN$1800

作品名稱 Title: 滿天飛 Flying Jade Scales
作品年份 Year: 2018
尺寸 Dimension: 171×50 cm
題識 Calligraphy Inscription:
“After the fight of three million jade dragons, scales and shells are flying all over the sky.” Zhang Yuan’s poem, ‘In Praise of Snow’ of the Song Dynasty, by Kit Chee in the Winter of Wuxu (2018).

神修拾穗 Reflections:
這首詩用豐富想像力一一玉龍的鱗甲一一來代表雪。龍是道家神話世界常見的玄奥象徵。聖經常將龍描述為邪惡的象徵,但在中國傳統中,龍卻代表帝王和吉祥。「見龍在田」是《易經》中的乾卦,屬於大吉之卦。在我看來,中國思想中的龍,應是代表 「人中龍」和「天子」,使人聯想到與基督教有關人子再臨的預言(達7:13-14;啟1:13)。
The poem uses an imaginative image of jade dragon scales to represent snow. The dragon is another Taoist mystical symbol very present in the Chinese imagination. In the Bible, the dragon is often portrayed as malevolent, but the Chinese dragon symbolizes royalty and good fortune. ‘Seeing the dragon in the fields’ appears in the I-Ching as a Qian Hexagram, the most auspicious divinatory symbol for good fortune. I would like to imagine that the dragon in Chinese conception could represent the Dragon among Men and the Son of Heaven, which corresponds to the Christian prediction of the coming of the Son of Man. (Dan. 7:13-14, Rev. 1:13)