






Magnolia and Swallows

底價 Bid price: CAN$3500

作品名稱 Title: 繁花獻瑞 Magnolia and Swallows
作品年份 Year: 1987
尺寸 Dimension: 82×223 cm
神修拾穗 Reflections:
I find pure joy in capturing the essence of birds and blooms, each brushstroke a testament to their diverse habitats and forms. When we pause to observe nature and the rhythm of life, a vast canvas unfolds before us. In the rush of modernity, our bond with the natural world often wanes, reducing it to a mere commodity. Yet, the wisdom of Buddhist and Daoist teachings gently nudges us towards an awareness of our deep interconnection with all that is. Our every action ripples through nature, echoing back to touch our own lives in profound ways.